がちょうの誕生日 / The Birthday of a Goose




There lived a duck, a goose, a guinea pig, a rabbit, a weasel and so on in the backyard of a farmer’s house.

One day, as it was the goose's birthday, the other animals except the weasel were invited to the party.

If they invited the weasel, they would have all guests. But they wondered if they should invite him.


みんなは、いたちは決して悪者ではないことを知っていました。けれど、いたちにはたった一つ、 よくないくせがありました。それは大勢の前では言うことができないようなくせでした。何かと言 うと、他でもありません、大きな激しいおならをすることす。



They knew the weasel was not a villain, but he had only one bad habit.

That's the habit about which they couldn’t say in public. Needless to say, it was to break a big wind.

But if they don't invite only the weasel, he surely gets angry. So, the rabbit went on an errand to him.




"It is the goose's birthday today. So please visit us."
"Thank you for inviting me."
"By the way, Mr. Weasel, I beg a favor of you."
"What's that?"
"Well, I'm sorry, but please don't break a wind for today."

The weasel was red with embarrassment in the face.
"I promise I'll never break a wind."
The weasel answered.



色々なごちそうが出ました。おからや、にんじんのしっぽや、うりの皮や、お雑炊や。みんなは たらふく食べました。いたちもごちそうになりました。

みんなはいい具合だと思っていました。いたちがおならをしなかったからです。しかし、とうと う、大変なことが起こりました。いたちが突然ひっくり返って、気絶してしまったのです。 さあ、大変。さっそく、もるもっとのお医者が、いたちのぽんぽこに膨れたおなかを診察しまし た。

At last the weasel came to them.

They had many kinds of dishes; okara(quick-dries bean curd refuse), ends of carrots, skins of watermelons, rice porridge and so on. They ate too much. So did the weasel.

Everyone thought everything was running well, because the weasel didn't break a wind. But at last, something terrible happened. The weasel suddenly turned over and lost his consciousness.



「これは、いたちさんが、おならをしたいのをあまり我慢していたので、こんなことになったので す。これを治すには、いたちさんに思い切りおならをさせるより仕方はありません」

やれやれ。みんなはため息をして、顔を見合わせました。そして、やっぱりいたちは呼ぶんじゃ なかったと思いました。

Oh, my God! Immediately the guinea pig, who was a doctor, checked the full-swelled stomach. "Everyone!"

The guinea pig said, looking around at everyone who was anxious about him, "This is because the weasel endured breaking a wind. We have no choice but to let him break a wind to fully cure him of this."

Good grief! They sighed and saw one another. They thought they shouldn't have invited him. (2017/04/01 With Rich Ho)