うさぎ / A Hare's Story



「そんなことはないよ。成長したら当たり前のろばになるさ。見ろよ!この長い耳を。こいつが大き くなる証拠だ。」

A merchant came walking with a hare in a cage, calling loudly,
"Does anybody want a donkey's kid? A donkey's kid?"

As Cho-San wanted a donkey, he looked at the hare in the cage.
"Oh, how small it is!"
"It's still a kid, you know?"
"This won't be big enough when it grows up," Cho-San said.

"Yes, it will. It will become a normal donkey when it grows up. Look! How long its ears are! These are the evidence that it will grow large."


なるほど、長い耳をしていました。ちょうさんは今までうさぎを見たことがなかったので、商人の言 うことを疑いませんでした。そこで、ろばの子どもだと信じてうさぎを買いました。

ちょうさんは、家に帰ると早速ろばに曳(ひ)かせる荷車を作りました。 じきに荷車は完成しました。ちょうさんは、数日間ろばが大きくなるのを待ちました。 でもいくら餌をやっても、一向に大きくなりませんでいた。

Indeed, it had a pair of long ears. Cho-San had never seen a hare until then, so he didn't doubt the merchant's words, and he bought it. He believed it was a donkey's kid.

As soon as Cho-San came home, he made a cart to make his donkey pull it. Soon he finished building the cart. He waited for it to become large for some days, but no matter how much he gave it food, it was still small.



「もう我慢できない。車を曳かせるぞ。」ちょうさんは、うさぎを荷車に縛り付けて、 車に乗ると、鞭(むち)を振り上げ、

うさぎは動かないで、道端の草を食べているだけでした。鞭でいかに脅しても、お手上げでした。ち ょうさんは、荷車の中でへたばってしまいました。(kudos)

At last he lost his temper.

"I can no longer wait. I'll make it pull the cart." Cho-San tied it to the cart, got in the cart, raised a whip, and cried,

It didn't move. It was just eating grass by the roadside. However hard he scolded it with the whip, it wasn't effective. Cho-San laid himself down in the cart exhausted. (2015. 12. 1 With Itaya)