笠地蔵 / Six Little Statues

むかし、むかし、ひと里離れた山の奥におじいさんと おばあさんが住んでいました。年も迫った大晦日、おじ いさんは雪の中をたきぎを売りに町に出かけて行きまし た。途中、雪で埋もれかけた6つのお地蔵さんを見かけました。雪を払ってやり、こう言いました。


Long, long ago there lived a poor old man and his wife in the snowy mountain. It was on the last day of a year. He went to a town to sell some firewood. On his way he saw six little statues (Jizos) covered with falling snow. He cleared the snow off and said:

"You don't even have straw hats. Maybe you feel so cold. I'll buy you hats in the town." And he went to the town.


たきぎを売ったわずかなお金で家のものと笠を六つ買いました。帰り道、お地蔵さんの頭に笠を かけてやりました。 おじいさんはおばあさんにこの話をすると、おばあさんはとても喜んでくれました。


He got small money by selling firewood. He bought some necessities and he wanted to buy six straw hats, but he was able to buy only five. On the way home, he put the hats on the head of five statues and on the last he put his own hood.

When he told his wife the story, she said with joy, "You did a wonderful thing." And they went to bed.


その晩のことです。誰かが歌を歌いながら家の方にやってきます。 「親切なおじいさんの家はどこかいな。笠をかけてくれてありがたい。親 切なおじいさんの家はどこかいな。笠をかけてくれてありがたい。」

In the midnight they heard someone coming to their house, singing "Where is the house of the kind old man? We are glad to have five straw hats and a hood. Where is the kind old man's house?"


声はだんだんと大きくなって、おじいさんの家の前まで来ました。入り口 をあけると米俵が六つ置いてありました。

Opening the door, he found six big straw rice-bags there. They had a happy New Year.