流れ星 / Shooting Stars

冬の寒い寒い夜、木枯しが空の上の方まで吹き上げていました。そこで は、一列に並んだ小さな三つの星がけんかをしていました。

いつもはとても仲が良いのですが、真ん中の星が寒い寒いと言うので両わ きの星がいじめたのです。

五位鷺(ごいさぎ)が、下のほうの凍った田圃(たんぼ)で「キヨォ」 と鳴きました。すると、いじめられた星は、スーッと滑るように降りて行 き、見えなくなりました。

One cold, cold winter night, cold blasts swept up above the sky, where three little stars in a row quarreled among themselves.

They usually got along well. But as one of the stars between the two complained being too cold, the other two started bullying.

Below the sky, in the frozen rice paddy, a night heron cried sharply. Then the star being bullied silently slid down and disappeared.



二つの星は、消えた星が心配で、こんなことを話しました。心の中では、あまりにいじめられた ので逃げてしまったのかもしれないと思っていました。


"Where has he gone?"
"Without telling us anything..."
"He must have gone to buy gloves as it has been too cold."
"You must be right. He will come back soon."

As the two worried for the missing star, they talked with each other about the star. They were afraid that maybe the little star escaped from them because of being bullied too much.

The missing star never came back, because he had become a shooting star.


ひと月が過ぎました。その夜、二つの星は押し黙って、消えた星を見つけようとあちこち見下 ろしていました。


A month had passed. The two stars were keeping their mouths shut, looking down here and there from the sky that night to look for the missing star.

"Look, there he is!"
"Really? Where is he?
"You see, over there."





Far below the sky, they saw something glittering on the narrow road in a town.

"Let's go to see it."
"Yes, let's."

The two stars far above in the sky descended to the town where cold blasts swept down.





At the end, the two were disappointed.

The thing glittering on the road wasn't their fellow star, but a broken piece of glass.

The night heron in the rice paddy cried sharply that night too.